dimanche 13 juillet 2008


I finally arrived in Paris Yesterday's morning after more than 14 hours of flights. Now, that this trip has come to an end, it's time for me to go see all the people I missed during this year in Japan and this trip and... to find a job. I know, it's not a sure win.

Anyway, as I don't have any cell phone, if you want to reach emails are still the best option.
See you all !

5 commentaires:

Guillemin a dit…


Elia a dit…

moi j'attends tes carnets de bord ... :)

Swoosh a dit…

Ouais, à dimanche à Poitiers ! (avec 3 semaines de retard, mais ça...)

Tony a dit…

Je les ai presque fini en plus, il me reste juste la derniere semaine a ecrire...
Et merci Guillemin (avec du retard, surtout que tu dois etre reparti deja, non ?)... ただいま!

manu a dit…

bonne continuation, bienvenue chez toi et bonne recherche de taf!!
manu khoopé