lundi 28 avril 2008

Sweet sticky rice with mango

During my stop at Luang Prabang, I used this opportunity to attend a "cooking class" (it was more a demonstration than a lesson) where I learned a delicious Laos recipe. Unfortunately, I won't be able to re-try it before my return in France so I am counting on some of you to test it. Here it is:

Preparation of the sticky rice:
- Use Japanese rice or "white" rice (the one covered with a white powder)
- Wash it till the water doesn't get white any more
- Put it on the water for 5 hours (it has to be soft)
- Wash it one last time
- Cook it with steam until it's cooked and sticky

On a pan, make caramel (three big spoon of sugar). Then add coco milk in the pan (3 dippers).
Then add the sticky rice where you had previously added coconut milk also (enough so that the rice grains are not sticked anymore). Cook it on hot fire until all the coconut milk has evaporated. Take it off the fire and add a coffee spoon of sesam powder and stir well the whole.

Then you serve this rice with slices of mango (or any other fuits that go well with such a flavour) and some sesam powder on top of the rice.

It's ready !

Concerning the articles about my trip, unfortunately, until now all the computers I used were so slow that I couldn't upload the pictures. So I will start publishing lessags about my trip... without images.

I am waiting fo the comments of the ones who tried this recipe !

9 commentaires:

Swoosh a dit…

Nice one, I'm waiting for the others (they're coming in a few days) to try this with them, we'll keep you informed about the success or the failure of this enterprise!

Tony a dit…

Who are the others ? Jocelyn and Kaori ? You're back in Japan ? You're still in France ? Have you already seen the concert you wanted to ?

Elia a dit…

WE are the others! :) Felix is in France, and we (Rémi, maybe Jocelyn, Kaori + Damien, my boyfriend and me) are going to visit him for the 1st May "bridge" (let's speak frenglish a little bit)... In fact, Felix is right, that's a good opportunity to test the recipe!
No problem for your images ... But I don't understand : what did you do between the arrival in Shanghaï and the cooking lesson in Laos?? Didn't you stay in China? Was it so terrible that you don't want to tell us anything about this part of the world??
Anyway, tell us about anything you're doing!
Take care :)

Tony a dit…

Not at all ! It's just that it takes a lot of time to write the articles... but I did a lot of things.
By the way, I am google-ising the map of my trip so that you can see where I precisely stopped.

Swoosh a dit…

They are the others. And the concert is on the 13th of May, I'll post something about it and this band on my blog after.
And I'll do the same for the pictures of this weekend's cooking experiences!
So where are you now, and what's next?

Elia a dit…

your map is really nice indeed! it's very pleasant to read the details of your itinerary ... and to imagine the situations! :)

DAD a dit…

As a matter of fact, it looks like "riz au lait et au caramel" made by Danone...but probably quite better.
may be a "cooking trip" is a good idea after many months awfull Doshisha life.
we wait impatiently other recipes from visited countries.

Unknown a dit…

Bon bah moi je suis un bon Français, qui parle en Français (avec l'orthographe qui va bien).

J'espère que ton Road Trip continue à bien avancer mon pti Tony et que tu va revenir avec des images et des sensations plein la tête.

Previens quand même quand tu reviens vers les contrées occidentales, histoire de se faire un photo à l'aéroport avant de faire la chouille...


Tony a dit…

What a good surprise to discover so many comments !
I arrived in Phnom Penh yesterday where I met my friends. I will stay there for some days I think.
Have a lot of fun Felix and Elia and say hi to the others please.
For the idea on a travel based on cooking, it really interests me. For now I will try to keep track of every good recipes I had the chance to eat.
Et quant a toi Nadj compte sur moi pour venir témbeter pendant léte qui vient ! Pas question que tu puisses travailler serieusement :)